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Philosophy and other Silliness
Lucifer? (A bit of philosophy/A bit of Silliness)
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Nice post, DL. To add to it, examination of the writings in the New Testament using advanced scientific methods of comparing speech patterns and writing patterns, most of the New Testament has certainly either been translated differently or manipulated in some form or manner from that which is attributed to Jesus. So either those that added the texts made it up, or heard it from word of mouth (and we all know how garbled something becomes when one does this - just sit 5 people in a row, and whisper a sentence from one to the other, and see what comes out), or came from other sources not accredited in the Bible itself. Also, the fact that the Bible was put together by a council centuries after Jesus was dead and certainly did not include all the material that it could have (as DL pointed out), one needs to really look at the motives of these people and groups - why did they select what they did, and leave other sources out? Setting aside the "it was God's Will" answer (which is not an answer at all), one really has to look at the players at the time, and research the events that were going on. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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