OZONE Asylum
Witch hunt is on!!
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@Cprompt, that one is SO easy. "See, I would have TOLD you firsthand but..." :) Actually, I'd tell you the sport results until 2050. .. But. As a matter of facts, people in my real world tend to be very suprised and hardly recognize me - and you don't have to take my word, I know someone around who can witness this. So you REALLY should make a business of that intuition C:> This said, wether you recognized me or not, you've been quite nice and welcoming this far, and it is appreciated - no rampage yet, but a casual difficulty at getting heard and few flames. Could do worse. I can count around 10 of the insulting posts AND three inmates, off the top of my head, who really have difficulties with me - the most surprising was the guy with the "you have deceived us since post 1" quote. THAT was low. I hate flames. Both ways : I don't mind making amend if I go overboard. I mind the flame ignition - it doesn't serve ME and it doesn't even serve the other party - anger is sometimes necessary, mostly ugly. Anyhow right now, I am peachy. Tired, stressed out, but feeling good. So I'll leave it to you to pick a witch, who knows, that could even turn into a fun game.
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