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I think that any sort of aggressive or over-defensive behaviour, or needlessly inflammatory responses to critique, opinion, or honest-to-goodness advice would be flagged quite happily by any member that perceives it... but your previous (and persistent) reputation lends a certain provenance. Perhaps it is true that knowledge of your prior identity causes a degree of bias - but that can hardly be helped. Unfortunately, it is very true to say that [i]familiarity breeds contempt[/i]. It is far easier to use sharp words when dealing with a known character than with a stranger. I must say, regardless of my pathetic attempt at humour under the indicated thread, I could see a bunch of people going out of their way to respond to you - to take an active part in a discourse with you - only to be rebuffed because their responses were not the 'right kind' of responses. I thought you were rather rude about it - starting a statement with 'don't take this the wrong way' or 'don't take offence' doesn't reduce the impact of the statement. If it is offensive, regardless of your intent, it is quite simply... offensive...
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