OZONE Asylum
Secrets of the cube
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:) Cool. Well, the cube represents your perception of yourself. Usually, time should be allowed for end users to picture theirs. This is a renounded psychology test : representations of a unitary object like a cube are known to be, among humans, metaphors of the self. Yours is immense - and that is how you value yourself, immensely. However, the fact it is burried suggests humility - the relation to the ground, most often, represents our relationship to others (so well grounded you're deep in the sand). If I understand you correctly, the fact it is opaque represents your desire to keep some things away from public eye - a discretion about some sides of your personality. The fact you can ENTER it is completely new to me : it probably represents a desire to investigate your inner self further In general, black or dark colors just seem to be a common trend among similarly well grounded personalities - but that's as much as I know. Where does it stand? Is it near to you, further away?
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