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Updated: [URL=http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lostagames5imageshackja7.jpg][IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/3088/lostagames5imageshackja7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] here's the list of what is missing 3 - why the penguins? 5 - name and game of the character (zombie) 9 - why the sign with the dog ? 10 - why the locked case - (doubtful: someone suggested it was from metal slug. Image please. There were also some boxes like this on Fallout, i dont remember exactly how they were) 12 - game and name of the character (red eyed, sharp toothed, mohawk guy on the pile) 24 - the head is from crysis, but where is the nude-dude-with-american-boxers reference from? 27 - why the bird ? it shouldnt have anything to do with the starcraft-lurker unless it relates to the way the lurker is dressed up 31 - name and game of the character (elongated head blue-orange robot thing) 35 - name and game of the character (head being kicked) clue: old DOS 286 game whose name I can't recall - had something to do with thunderbolt or gods or something. It was a platform adventure where you had to manipulate traps. The skull is very distinctively styled. 36 - why the poo ? 41 - name and game of the character (blue juggling ball headed guy) 42 - name and game of the character (tiny red robot thing) 43 - the mammoths are most likely a reference to Syberia. But why is this one wearing a cannon ? [i]~this is not a signature~[/i]
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