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ACID3 test released
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I hate to jump in here, but in the past the standards were well behind what the browser vendors were capable of offering, so they went ahead and added their own features. Eventually the standards caught up and then went further, the problem was that the vendors had to support their customers and developers who would expect their sites to work still. The W3C made it clear they were heading in one direction and although they took some features and standards from the vendors they sometimes made their own and left the vendors behind, think IE and their 'broken' box model. It's really just their interpretation, before standards were set in place. Then because it would make such a grand impact on the layout of the majority of the websites out there, Microsoft were very slow to put in support for the real box model. With the Acid 2 and Acid 3 test, the standards out there are finally fairly cutting edge, and it's the vendors who need to catch-up, however it's not always in their interest to add a new CSS feature is there's a browser feature that would be much more important to them from a business and competition point of view. So it's unsurprising to see no browsers pass the Acid3 test, but it's important to see how quickly they make efforts to pass it. [img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img]
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