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This is a really great opportunity to me - I hope you can empathize with my need to have someone ask genuinely and offer this kind of discussion. It IS a breath of fresh air. [quote] I knew argo navis was previously InI and I am 100% sure other people did too. [/quote] Certainly. And I was aware of that back then too : I left CLEAR cues as to where I lived, what I did for living, and what kind of music I liked, etc. Believe it or not : this was on purpose. Again, in an attempt, clumsy or not, to test the water. [quote] I was however, irritated by the deceit and I hope you can empathise with this. [/quote] Completely. I said it : I am genuinely sorry for that. But from my perspective, I hope you can understand it was not an easy choice - being direct about it was not easy at all, sincerely. I decided to do it, since then. And I have kept doing it, living up to it, and receiving difficult moments from some inmates - justified or not, I was expecting those but ready to deal with them. For the sake of [b]taking responsibility.[/b] And it still is far from being easy : it's difficult every single time I post, I never really know what to expect, but I know there will be defensiveness - justified for some - in the replies I'll get. Every single time I post. And that's a high price to pay - high enough? I think so. You'll even find me asking bugs how to work on rebuilding trust, and several threads asking inmates about proper communication when I inadvertently hurt some inmates feelings. [quote] If you were to tell me that you apologised to the Doc and whoever was involved in removing all your posts and who had to deal with your rants before you came back ( I'm presuming this was Tyberius Prime) that would help a lot towards understanding your actions. [/quote] I did, but not prior to coming back. Don't have me dig that one up too :) (time constraint - I can if you really need it). Basically, Webshaman, during the pre-comeback chat episode, asked some other mods about it, and reported a tolerant guy's answer to me, which was "ok if he behaves, why not?". If I remember correctly. I'd love to do more than just apologizing about it - I see ways to "fix" that damage. As I said, I am making a constant amend, everytime I post, in addition to the apologies, because it's a true pain to expect a harsh reaction around the corner. And it's a true pain to keep calm with that pressure in the air. AND it's a true pain to other inmates too : hence my stressing "there comes a time a line has to be drawn". Opinion(s)? Everyone's opinion is welcome, but please preserve mutual respect at least for this thread - as much as possible. I sincerely am doing my best.
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