OZONE Asylum
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Hahaha, all great stuff Tao :) *Grabs two pints, and hands one over to Tao*. To me, it goes more like : My intentions are so deeply, sincerely, constructive. Obsessively even : when I posted the thing about my business card, I kept all the traces of improvements public for this very reason. I wanted to TAKE brilliant advice. But I cared a lot about GIVING the archives a concrete case study, about a known "identity", with clear footprints of every steps and improvements I went through. I never cared to attract attention : I attract attention whatever I do, I am the kind of tall and unusal guy anyway. As I was trying to explain to kimson, one of my hobbies/passion actually are other people. Humans amaze me for they are capable of the best AND the worst, and every single person I have met had something good about themselves. So when I say something "too harsh to be true", I never expect people to receive it as just that. My bad, you're right. Another factor is the language : I speak four. I mix them at times. I have other things to add to the topic, when we get back to the "core", but I completely understand your point(s). All I can do about them right now is... Listen actively. And persist towards a positive outcome.
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