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A question to Tao now, to get things back to topic : [quote] I told you I had nothing against you. That your outburst of the moment was uncalled for for some posts can easily be misinterpreted and the whole world was not against you. In short I told you to question what triggered the attack, behave as a grown up and move on. Do YOU remember ? [/quote] Poi is lying here. Or poorly remembering. Or both. I have just checked my icq history and am keeping the translations for further reference and for another thread. Lies are not a "directly worded" way to disrespect someone. Still, guy is simply raping my words and skewing what really was said. Now, if exact words matter that much to you... [quote] It is not you I dislike argo, it is the way you sometimes blast through a conversation IMO aggressively and selfishly. [/quote] How am I supposed to react to someone who, even if he doesn't do it overtly, tries to manipulate or lie to me or about me? This is not about the community : I now have something personal against poi, I tried to defuse it a few times by asking him to give me a break, he is ignoring this and being a total asshole to me - directly. I could ignore him, but the lying bit of it is so ugly. And the problem here, for me, are not the words : it truely is the ACT - the word may seem ok, but does anyone here fail to see poi's intent at provocating me? The lying truely made it succeed : in a Goodwinish way, when Hitler is quoted or off-board words are turned to lies... How am I supposed to define poi?
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