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This post might be a little uncomfortable, but it certainly shouldn't cause widespread offence. If it does, then man-kind is likely already doomed. I don't like bullies of any kind, and I give no quarter to them. I have managed to get myself into trouble in the past by intervening in altercations with seemingly undue ferocity - I really don't like bullies. I was even attacked by a woman for dragging her drunken boyfriend off of her on the street. I'm decidedly anti-bully, but find it frustrating that I can't tell a good joke without worrying who it will offend. I find the term 'racism' has started to become little more than a gag on self-expression for a large number of people; it confounds honest communication. The fact that I can't use a word that others of a different creed are free to use liberally just smacks of absurdity, and makes a farce of equality. I'm surrounded by vociferous racists who just happen to be ethnic minorities, but they are overlooked. I see a white woman attacked by a group of young black men being treated as a victim of assault. I see a black man attacked by a white man being treated as a victim of racism. This strikes me as a problem, and an increasingly dangerous one in my city as violent youth crime escalates, and the current political climate leads to friction between specific sub-communities. I like a good joke, and sometimes it seems that may be at the expense of others, but I come from a culture that has been able to laugh at itself for many, many generations. I just wish everybody else had a sense of bloody humour too. As an example - I love a good joke at the expense of the French. Why is this more acceptable than any other joke that singles out a particular culture? Why is the term 'paddy' less offensive than many other terms? Deliberate and targetted racism is wrong. Jokes at the expense of the disabled ('differently abled'?) or differently proportioned are distasteful. Sexual discrimination is generally unacceptable... but there are lines, and they are not well drawn. For instance, why should it be wrong to prefer to employ a single man over a married woman who's trying for children, when in many cases, it makes sound business sense? Why should it be wrong to prefer an employee who can speak decent English in a British call centre? Why should it be wrong to profile your target when using stop-and-search powers to increase security on public transport (and for instance, choose to stop the young asian man instead of the little old lady)? Why should it be worse to insult your race than your intelligence or hair colour, when either should be completely unacceptable in the case of violence or deliberately offensive abuse? Why should it be wrong to advertise for a black actor to play Othello? Sometimes, PC just isn't logical. As for the 'still retarded' gag; yes, it's distasteful, and it isn't kind, but it made a point, and it made me giggle. I refuse to be ashamed of that, even if I agree that the joke isn't pleasant. I admit that sometimes I have a distasteful sense of humour, and have sometimes laughed at people falling on their faces (shock, horror). In my case, I'm very hard to offend unless my intellect and good manners are called into question. I have survived many a racist slur, cruel comments on my physique, and countless, endless 'four-eye' jokes as a kid... but I cry like a baby at any accusation of being stupid or uncouth. It's just the way I am. Some people are too sensitive. [small][small][small]Minor edit; spelling...[/small][/small][/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 03-07-2008 15:11)[/small]
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