OZONE Asylum
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[quote] honesty and communication are key factors. [/quote] For what it's worth, I think that too. I think integrity is a primary component of any interaction. I think fear is helping biases in communication in general, and that social fear is a plague of our times - we all fear way too many things and fear triggers defense, which triggers agression. I think we assume way too much about other people, for example, an inability to evolve from their mistakes : too many people stick to "once a liar, always a liar", or to conduct guidelines to rule their interactions, while perceptions are individual, very different, and ALWAYS biased : nobody is ever 100% right and nothing is perfectly dark or white. Too many people stick to blending a person's identity and their religious, or social, beliefs also, in the same vein. I think respect is important, but should be mutual - I am not likely to display any respect towards anyone who lacks some to me, there is no reason. With all these in mind : [b]I judge people based on their current actions.[/b] I always cut slack to people who I knew to be "like this or that" in the past. I always cut slack to people who come to me with strange religious beliefs - and want to get to know what is so wonderful to them about it. I never will show mercy to someone who knowingly stepped on my boundaries - those get what they called for. Always. Jade does deserve a hug for she faced so many flames and managed to stick to her beliefs : she deserves praises for that, she demonstrated more integrity than many mods around here will ever get to have in their lives. Words are words - should be taken with a grain of salt, eventhough some may not be pronounced. Acts are acts. Visible politeness is not preventing manipulation, being a representative of the government never made agent Smith a worthy "individual" in the Matrix. But he was polite. In the end, prejudices, misconceptions, and personal weaknesses are the fuel to all conflicts, so words? Are not enough for me to define a person. ACTS. And only acts.
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