OZONE Asylum
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Me! Self exploration...
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[quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] Watch out for being perceived as me or an attention whore (this thread may come across as that, I see a fun exercise about self image) : it's easy to trigger this feeling here because many people around have a low self esteem and are prone to perceiving agression where there is none. [/quote] Totally unnecessary. How would you know "many people round have a low self esteem"? I would rather say to you Arthurio that if you don't get a large response it is more likely due to time constraints and that people may not like to judge, even if you invite it, if they feel they have not enough information to judge by. [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/sigs/tile.gif[/img] [/url] [i]Those who look for monsters should look to it that they do not become monsters. For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.[/i]
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