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a web calendar - need to show events spanning multiple days like in google calendar...how?????
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Hi guys need some help here. Ok so I've built a nice little calendar application for my project. Its taking events and showing them nicely within the table that represents the calendar month. However I'm in a pickle when it comes to showing events that like span multiple days - one way is of course to just repeat the same text for teh event in all cells that the event spans the month but I would really like to do it the way google calendar has done it i.e. have a nice div bar elongate and span the days teh event spans. Well consider that my month view is in a table and all the events are little divs within the cells which represnt the days - I'm stuck with respect ton how to get this done? COnsider this that teh table is resizable with the browser... any ideas guys :D I'm working in PHP on teh backend though...in this case I'm dealing with a table whose cell widths can be changed if someone resizes teh browser so might wanna take that into consideration. Plus theres the darn possibility of overlapping other events by the elongating div - so thats an issue that might need to be avoided as well..
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