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Ubuntu - more hassle than I thought....
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There isn't a single person out there that has tried Linux and not had problems with installing and running it, I find it helps to look at these problems as challenges in getting to know your operating system and can help bring the fun back into computing. Sure having a black screen on boot is nothing to smile about, but once you realise why it happens, then you can easily avoid it happening in the first place. What new users may perceive as bugs or massive show stopping defects are actually part of the flexibility and customisability that Linux offers. Remember Linux isn't just Windows in disguise, it really does work in many different ways. So post your questions here, and I guarantee someone will be able to answer, also the Ubuntu forums will answer any questions you have, and it takes very little time to use search either from inside the forum or using Google. I wouldn't consider it mainstream to install your own operating system, or configure drivers. [img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img]
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