OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Mutual respect
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[quote]I say this because unfortunately some members of the human race are rather nasty people. I am not joking, not all people are good as I once thought they were. Add to that the pitiful amount of time we have on this earth. I would rather spend my time and energy on people who are honest truthful and good.[/quote] I respect everyone regardless if they seem to lack a respectful nature towards others and to themselves. I show them due respect as human even if they are nasty or are an undesirable. I never loose respect if ones actions are deemed not respectable. Many of those I know lie, could be shallow, selfish and mean spirited , not tolerant and have potty mouths. I still befriend them and associate with them. However, I may be dissappointed in how they act or what they do or say. But I never abandon them as friends or aquaintences. IMO ...many we know or do not personally know can seem respectable but have hidden defects that we may not know about that would be shocking, etc... so they may not be deserving of a title of being a respectable upstanding individual. But as far a treating them with respect regardless that is another thing altogether.
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