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As I don't understand the concept fully yet, I just can give general purpose advice. Poi can probably enhance that advice or refine it for the format : - consider a time budget which includes possible failure of the implementation of this/that module - consider replacements/options (for example : what would you do if this or that part does not receive any visits? Kick it? Can you maybe swap it with something?) - consider a gantt diagram (some tasks can be done in parallel, some should be done in sequence, how many days/man each task?). It's really easier to prepare than the name suggests - you can also use simplified object diagrams, uml diagrams : trying to represent the ways modules relate to each other (they may be ways to do this more suited to the web format) And last but not least : I may be very wrong, but for web things, it makes a lot of sense to start building them WHILE you are elaborating the plan, and to adjust the plan as you progress (because of the fast paced, evolutive nature of the web). Hope it helps.
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