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Philosophy and other Silliness
New Computers and such... just complaining
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Okay, this is ridiculous. It has been a bit, but this is really getting on my nerves. But first, we did get the router thing sorted out. We did get another router with wireless capabilities. When Woman installed it, she turned off wireless in the software. Taken care of. However, it took her 3 hours to un-install the previous router. How hard can it be to find and un-install a piece of hardware? In a word: Vista. I seriously hate having to use her machine for anything. S l o w a s s l o w c a n b e. The other day I hit the thing and found out that she has 60+ processes running on a cold boot. I don't know how much longer I can resist waxing her machine. I have been using her machine lately. Why? Mine brand spanking new one likes to crash. BSOD. I get two different flavors and they both point to hardware incompatibility. FFS! On a new, factory machine?! WTF? Seriously... So the other day I wiggled her mouse to bring it out of Stand By. Guess what? BSOD with iTunes. It was one of the hardware incompatibility BSODs that I was familiar with. Aaargh! At times like these I can't wait for No Pants Day.
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