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New Computers and such... just complaining
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I'm sorry that you're still having such problems. In stark contrast, I have XP and Vista dual-booting on both my laptop and my desktop; the laptop is an early Toshiba P100, and the desktop is my own Frankensteinian hodge-podge. I haven't had any problems with either at any time. Sure, my DVB-T dongle didn't have decent Vista drivers the last time I checked (I should dust that off and have another go, methinks), and gaming performance is a good 20-30% down in Vista, but they've both been as good as gold since Vista was installed. The most bizarre issue I've had relating to Vista was in fact while I was downgrading a Sony Vaio to XP. Unbelievably, most of the laptop's hardware didn't have XP drivers because the laptop was designed for Vista. I had to shoe-horn various hacked drivers into place. Beyond that, I've had a remarkably easy time with Vista. Of course, I'm like you WJ, in that I hate having anything but the most crucial services and processes on boot. In my case, it's all about frames-per-second!
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