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New Computers and such... just complaining
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sounds like you've had a time this week. bummer. I like it when people rant about their issues here. Makes me feel so less alone :p I could go on all day about the crap that I have to put up with on a day to day basis. But this is warjournal's rant. :) So I've seen a lot of reference here that uses "hubs" in place of "router". If I'm not mistaken, there is a big difference between a router and a hub. Hub are just bridges from the router. A router with use NAT and usually have a firewall of sorts built into it as well as hand out IP addresses for the LAN, masking the WAN IP address. A "hub" doesn't do this. It's more of an "expander" of ports for the router (in it's most simplest of ways). Is that right? Later, C:\
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