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Wifi won't be my problem soon. Networking and hardware isn't really my bag, but I will learn if I really have to. I'll avoid it, but I'll do it. ~wipes sweat from brow~ Hubs and routers. We got lucky, apparently. Our old hub was working like a router. Flux capacitor and quantum mechanics type stuff. One of the techs that my woman talked to was completely baffled that our hub was working for us the way that it was. I honestly don't know the exact differences between a hub and a router. I guess a hub is more of a switcher of sorts. "You can have the connection. Okay, I'm giving the connection to someone else for a few minutes." Something like that. Or is a switcher an entirely different piece of hardware? Turns out that my old machine decided to die. Went to wax and restore it and the HD just died. It's like it knew that I wouldn't be taking care of it anymore and decided that it wasn't worth working for anybody else. More than a few good years of mutual, loving service. Brings a tear to my eye. Back in the day at the one office that Woman worked in, I used to chat with the CSRs and TSRs. I've heard some gnarly ones. I have enough dealing with family - I can't imagine dealing with strangers over the phone for a living. The funny thing is that some of the CSRs weren't exactly the brightest. Me: What is the FTP server address? You guys changed it again. CSR: Are you using Outlook? Me: Huh? CSR: What? Me: What's the FTP? CSR: Are you using Outlook [i]Express[/i]? Me: F T P -- what's the FTP address?! CSR: Do you need the smtp or the pop3? Me: OMGNO! FTfreakingP! I'm gonna go get some sunshine. Fresh air suddenly sounds good.
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