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In my case, my 80GB pocket drive (that I use for work, mostly) was choked with a large number of duplicated driver downloads (same versions and/or names, but downloaded at different times to different folders) and media files (mostly the same files under different names). I also found that a large number of untested ROMs (images of by-gone games from old favorite consoles, [small][small]all legally owned, of course[/small][/small]) on my drive were duplicated in various names. All-in-all, once I'd filtered out duplicates that I wanted to keep (specific replicated files included with different driver versions, for instance), I eventually removed 375MB of unnecessary junk. That might not seem a lot against an 80GB drive, but when I'm down to my last couple of free gigabytes and too lazy to hunt down duplicates manually, it saves a bit of time. I do wonder how many copies of the same porn clips are gathering dust on my NAS drive...? Addendum: upon further investigation, it seems I also have duplicate files extracted from archives on the same drive. Perhaps it would be even better if this tool had a 'search in archives' function - you know, so that you can choose to delete loose files that are already stored in archives. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 03-18-2008 17:54)[/small]
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