Welcome to the OZONE Asylum FAQWiki!
Frequently Asked Questions
Server Side Coding
What does the error 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution' mean?
Solution for your problem (problem was php_network_getaddress: getaddrinfo failed ) by aniket

Pls help me out Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=30145" title="Pages that link to Pls help me out Differences" rel="nofollow" >Pls help me out Differences\

+Please post your request over at the appropriate forum - you won't get an answer here and I'll remove this from the faq wiki in a couple of days.


+So long,

+Tyberius Prime




/* A demonstration which allows you to enter a place name
or even a more detailed address and get Google to give you
a latitude and longitude back */

if ($_REQUEST[where]) {
$where = stripslashes($_REQUEST[where]);
$whereurl = urlencode($where);

// Note - Google key is domain specific!
$location = file("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=$whereurl&key=ABQIAAAARKYMX3qABRwgBGTOLfvdgBT2yXp_ZAY8_ufC3CFXhHIE1NvwkxTmhS_LQj6knfNR9GOtLZ_JFxncNQ");

// Sample - $location[0]="200,8,51.369318,-2.133457";
list ($stat,$acc,$north,$east) = explode(",",$location[0]);
$html = "Information for ".htmlspecialchars($where)."<br>";
$html .= "North: $north, East: $east<br>";
$html .= "Accuracy: $acc, Status: $stat<br>";
} else {
$html = "Space reserved for your report when form completed";

<title>Geocodeing demo - from place information to Latitude
/ Longitude</title>
<h3>This page demonstrates the use of Google's geocoding
Enter a place name / address and a latitude and longitude is
<?php print $html; ?><hr>
<form method=post>Place: <input name=where size=40>
<input type=submit value=go></form>

I am getting an error of kind php_network_addresses: getaddinfo failed ...... How to solve it out?
I am running it on localhost...... Pls help me out

(Created by jigar2great on 03-24-2008 12:28)
+(Edited by Tyberius Prime on 03-24-2008 13:22)

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