OZONE Asylum
need some help finding a band / video please
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Was goofing off one day and looked around on YouTube. I found an animation video that I can't find again and I can't remember the name of the band that was used for the music. Here is what I remember of the video : [*]the animation was 2d [*]it was kind of crude in sorts [*]the "people" in the video had large heads and they were wearing armor. [*]during the war everyone was dying until one "creature" put on the helmet of he opponent. And everything started getting really trippy. It was like he was seeing everything through his opponents eyes and "all was groovy" I looked up the band and I remember that had a cool yet somewhat cheezy name. But they were pretty rough looking chaps. I think the singer wore a hat in just about everything I saw of them. The band music was not real heavy but it was hard rock I guess. It's a newer band I know and probably not real famous. I know this is pretty vague but if anyone has any ideas or has seen the video on YouTube, I would love any clue to it. It's bugging the hell out of me! :( Thanks in advance! Later, C:\
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