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Philosophy and other Silliness
Because We Haven't Talked About It Enough
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OMG! This is actually physically painful, my stomach hurt. I don't find it even remotley funny, to me there are no difference at all to be found between these fundamentalists and the religious fundamentalists in the middle east. With a slightly different upbringing they would probably blow up the museums and other scientific institutions to solve the "problem" with the competition. Then take that image posted above http://www.newscientist.com/data/images/archive/2565/25653701.jpg and do the mindgame with an election process where a candidate uses those beliefs, 25% voters bagged directly, then an additional 20% undecided that can be won with argumentation tecniques and a few more % gained through "normal election promises"... "Probably" won't happen, but I'd leave the planet and taking my kids with me ... I'm sad and scared... /Dan */ I'm a ginio.....genios......genu......smart person! /* [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] I have no site due to no free time. :( -{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }-
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