OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Just so that you know, and before some start wanking around : I drop by for a casual peak, and what do I see? PURE PLEASURE all the way. I am very happy to see my forecasts come true, because at some point it will finally force people here to use truely good practices for web applications design. Still, I would not have time to waste doing something like this myself, and I don't condone hacking things this way, I condone reversing software or hardware to see how it works and learn from that, not intrusions, BUT I have said it two years ago when some of the most prominent emotional retards around lashed out at me because I had typed a double slash and landed on the server side of things : this place is prone to being raped. It WAS two years ago. And this is the worst/funniest excuse I have heard this month : [quote] he did work hard on getting around our flood control though. [/quote] That is why I suggested open sourcing it at some point. ... I am grateful and resentful at bad coders on the web, of all kinds : extremists, or hobbyists who can't accept a challenge to their skills. 1) I get paid a lot of money, now on my 10th website within a few weeks, to repair the crap they cause or otherwise clean it up / extend it. 2) They make my job really dirty. But regardless of my personal feelings, MARK MY WORDS : while [b]I[/b] am very happy to be off of this place and avoid interventions, while I have learnt that many of my views work in real world to a great extent, while I would NEVER bother attacking this place this way. It's prone to being raped and someone, not me, WILL try to do it at some point. And not only by spam : if I wanted to abuse this place for real, I'd use it as a zombie. I'd stick one of those highly effective Trojans somewhere in the server code, would fiddle a bit for the admin and others to hardly notice (insert it between two form loads, or some other way), and let it spread to all the users. So, really, be prepared to : 1) bend over and cry or 2) make core changes to many things around (including accepting to delegate tasks by open sourcing, or including more people more wisely in the maintenance process) Sayonara, Mauro
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