OZONE Asylum
From the maker of the Wiimote projects
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[quote=Arthurio]all this doesn't make for a great home consumer product ....[/quote] Right now, maybe not, but this kind of technology is exactly the kind of thing that leads to advances in the accompanying technologies. Right now, consumer home projectors might not have the kind of technology necessary to make this work perfectly, but how long do you think it will take someone to license it and couple it with their projectors. The ability to be able to dot these sensors around the perimeter of home projection screen, and then have it dynamically detect and [i]follow[/i] the angle your screen is on would be a [i]huge[/i] selling point. Look at computers for a prime example. The development of the mouse lead to games and programs to use them. The limitations proved by this technology lead to the development of a multi-touch or multi-cursor display and interface technologies that in turn lead to the development of software which allows a more natural and human interface to computers... [url=http://sunday.yarinareth.net][img]http://members.ii.net/~skaarjj/tempus.gif[/img][/url] Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/157]Skaarjj[/url] on 04-25-2008 12:35)[/small]
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