OZONE Asylum
From the maker of the Wiimote projects
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Many of the projectors my company uses have an automatic or (more usually) manual feature to adjust for angle or tilt (referred to as trapezoid/keystone adjustment) which leads to a minor compromise in quality barely noticeable in the majority of applications, as pixels are discarded. The majority of full-size professional projectors (not your average boardroom/home unit) have moveable lenses, allowing for the projection to be adjusted without losing pixels - but the process of manually adjusting and aligning the images for two overlayed images (allowing for fail-safe redundancy) is time-consuming. Somewhere between these two, I can see very wide-spread uses for automatic calibration technology. There are plenty of companies/events for which install and setup time would be dramatically reduced by the use of this. Okay, so the domestic market might be slow on the up-take of this technology as the uses would be limited in the average home with a static, one-time-only installation, but there really is no limit to the money to be made from selling this technology to AV companies who regularly supply and install the same projector kit in a multitude of varied environments with diverse requirements and configurations. Forget the home user - many of my clients are AV/event services that would snap this up for any price. Personally, I'm impressed.
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