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Possibility of aliens and consequences of a possible encounter ...
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What about it being travel but in other dimensions or other times or a different universe or universes related to time??? I am no science buff, but in a meeting I went to I spoke with a friend, a deacon who is an aerospace engineer and has been with the NASA shuttle program since its inception so he is a pretty smart in science matters...He was telling us about a scientific breakthrough regarding a finding in the search for the origin(s) of the universe. If I remember correctly it was a math equation that enabled the mathematicians to go further only by adding dimension(s) Has anyone heard of this? Or explain it better. I know there is a book about it. He explained that if we were a dot on a computer we would only be in one-dimensional plane and could not understand what it is to be multi dimensional. With the new math equation we are at the beginning stages of being able learn a way to jump out of the computer and see the origin only I believe if we entered it in a different realm that could lead to other realms. I think he explained to picture the universe as a big circle and we are in the middle of the circle. In order for us to go the distance and go further towards the end the circle if we calculate in more dimensions we can get to the origin. I don?t see know his email or I would ask him what the name of the book is.
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