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That is the old unit they had on offer. I have the T-Mobile Web'n'Walk service myself, and I can confirm that not only does it work well, but I managed to get a good (fast 2G, not 3G) connection out on the Norfolk Broads last weekend on my laptop. The Web'n'Walk dongle is a smaller, memory-key-sized device in black and purple, and it offers future-proofing in that it supports up to 3.5G (so, about three or four times the current speed), so you can expect upgrades to your service as and when the network protocols are available. The new (future-proof) device is a funky black-and-metallic-pink affair, just so you recognise it. Oddly, in some tests with the new dongle, I managed a downstream rate of 1.2-1.4 Mbps in the Docklands, London. The upstream also registered an alarming 1.6Mbps in one test - though I'm not sure how accurate this is, I think you can expect upstream performance to be pretty darn good. I gave the dongle to my girlfriend for a week when her office internet was down, and she had no problems at all with email up/download, web surfing, etc. It earned me a few geeky brownie points with her, too! I will say this though - I also have the 24month contract at £15 per month, and there is technically a cap. You have a 3GB allowance, but unlike other networks, they [i]do not[/i] charge you for excess bandwidth. I have it on good authority (from a T-Mobile salesperson, however trustworthy) that going persistently or substantially over your limit (say, 5GB a month) will prompt a letter from T-Mobile. Repeat offences will result in a reduction of your bandwidth! I'll say that again - they [i]do not[/i] charge for going over your allowance! They do charge a fortune for overseas usage, however, which is to be expected of any provider. Anyway, I'm more than happy with my T-Mobile Web'n'Walk service, and though the contract is for speeds up to 1.8Mbps, I generally get better performance than the more expensive Vodafone 7.2Mbps service we've been testing with a 3G wireless router that we've been testing at the office (though the Vodafone service is arguably faster in dead-centre London, where their higher speed service is available). [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 05-12-2008 13:00)[/small]
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