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Question about Europe
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I live in Germany, so I will take the question from there for this country. You say 1500 Euros, netto. That is not a bad salary (though it is not anywhere near high). Depending on where you plan to live in Germany, that could be good, or not so good. I live up on the North Coast of Germany, a relatively poor region, so 1500 Euros netto is a pretty good income, and you should do fine (you will have to be able to manage your money, but you should be able to manage). In any of the major cities, however, you will be struggling with that amount IMHO. Rent is high, and the cost of living in Germany is astronomical. As long as you plan on living in more rural areas, 1500 netto should be ok. You will be able to live, sometimes a bit comfortably (if you manage your money well), but nowhere near "over the top". Me and my wife bring in double that, and we manage to save a bit of money here and there. We rent, have three children, (one car) and it is still often a struggle to make ends meet. We do not have any borrowed money (credit, loans) that we have to pay back, but the "average" cost of living in Germany is high, and getting worse. In Germany, one needs to be pretty well insured for a number of things, and that costs alot of money. To that, comes the very high energy prices, as well as the rent. We got pretty lucky with the rent - we are "only" paying 500 Euros a month for half of a double house (with yard). That is not including energy and additional costs. I hope that helps. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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