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Question about Europe
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[quote]WS: what are the things you need to have insured? I don't know about Europe in general, but doesn't the tax you pay cover having free medication, and pension later on?[/quote] Car Insurance, Legal Insurance (believe me, in Germany this is a MUST! Germans are more legal happy than Americans!), Half-Pflicht (not sure what that is in english, but it covers damages when you or a child of yours breaks something, for example, in someone elses home, etc), insurance for being injured... All of these things are not covered by taxes. Also, even though the medical system in Germany is covered by taxes, it is not complete coverage! That has changed in Germany. Everything from medication to special types of treatments can cost extra. As for Pension, well, that has become a running joke in Germany now. It used to be great, but recently, it went down the tubes with no end in sight. Most Germans now applying for their Pensions after putting in 50+ years of work are ending up having to apply for social benefits and help just to make ends meet. It is a sad thing. My wife's parents are a good example of this. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago (and that was caused by a really incompetant doctor...the whole story is a sickening mess, and it is turning into a living nightmare) - he was operated on, and they fucked that up, and introduced a hole from his bladder into his intestinal tract, and refused to "find it" although he was pissing food that he had eaten. It took a year of examinations, blah blah blah and switching multiple doctors, hospitals, experts, etc before they finally found it (wow, amazing what a CAT scan can find, isn't it? God damned incompetant fools!). But he got progressively worse, and applied for early retirement. As only he had worked (although his entire life), he got a pitance for Pension. 600 Euros a month for them BOTH to live on! And he had earned well! Thankfully, he had invested privately well, and had paid off the house that they live in, AND had a respectable savings (400,000 euros). Otherwise, he would be having to apply for social benefits as well! He was diagnosed with spreading cancer, and underwent a battery of tests, etc...and was scheduled for chemotherapy...only for the docs to find out that he has hepatitis! (he was delivered to the hospital with an ambulance because he had collapsed!). He does not have spreading cancer! So anybody trying to tell me that the German medical system has a clue as to what in the FUCK they are doing, I have the evidence that they do not (more if one wants to hear...like how I sued the medical system for cutting a huge fucking hole in my neck while removing a small skin problem because the fucking operating table collapsed during my operation!) I could go on and on...my wife works in a Gynacologists office. Basically, the German medical system is bankrupt, and is "running on empty" in a huge way. I personally think that it is as bad or worse than the Pension system - and probably so FUBARed that the German Government has no idea on how to fix it (let alone impliment the will to do so!). Ok, end of rant. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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