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@Webshaman I hear you! Speaking on Sweden here: While individuals within the medical system works their heart out for a pathetic excuse for a salary the whole system as such is degrading due to an immensly overbloated bueroucratic overhead which eats resources as a starved pack of hyenas. There are private alternatives as well, but forget about those if you don't have a private insurance. So is the governmental pension plans, a couple of years back "someone" got the brilliant idea that "we" should move from maintaining the pension funds in a secure, slowly growing fashion to putting the individual "packages" in the stock market and giving the responsability to the individual to maintain their own coming pension. All in the name of freedom of choice... Yeah... As if everyone and their uncle has a friggin clue on how to make mony grow in the stock market... To make a potential long rant short: Lunch 7-10 euros, dinner at resturant (w/o alcohol) 15-30 euros per course, beer at local pub 4-5 euros, a music CD 20 euros, DVD 20 euros, a bottle of mid range wine at "systembolaget" (the only legal place to buy alcohol) 7-12 euros. A medium sized used car say 10 years old: 4000 -> euros + insurance (differs insanely, but a guess is about 50 euros/month). Cab fare, appr 15 kilometers = around 30-40 euros, public transportation in stockholm, 70 euros for 30 days. Rough average salary for a dumbed down desk jockey: around 2000-3000 euro/month before 35% tax. Then you need to save for all those wonderful unforseen things as well There ya go :) /Dan */ I'm a ginio.....genios......genu......smart person! /* [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] I have no site due to no free time. :( -{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }-
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