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Obama Wins! Men & Race Superior To Women.
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Seems like a very disatisfied Feminist, to me. In any event, her "opinions" are way off base. For someone who is attempting to portray themselves for the "Truth" (note the capital letter here), she sure then goes on to spout out alot of rhetoric against Obama without any reason for it. This seals the deal, for me [quote]Many of us would say nothing if Obama had the experience as much as Hillary and McCain do, but he does not. He does not have any experience or expertise- at all- for the role he wishes to undertake. If he had the qualifications and experience I would say "Go for it Obama!". The thing is that he has none of the experience or expertise of his competitors- none. Not even close. Not- one- iota. Do you want an amateur running the United States of America?[/quote] Aha. Well, he basically has almost as much as Hillary does, doesn't he (just examining the official length of time in official political office)? Both are Senators, with roughly the same amount of time served in office. Or is the author trying to somehow "count" the years that Hillary was the First Lady? I hope not. To that, one can point to the incredibly impressive campaign that he has run and managed for the last year! I think the "supposed" experience that the author subscribes to Hillary is reflected in the heavily indebted, broken down campaign that Hillary has run and attempted to manage (I would say mismanage). She clearly expected "super tuesday" to be [b]IT[/b] and when that turned out to be the opposite, she had absolutely no game plan for afterwards. That is supposed to be the superior advantage that Hillary has in "experience"? As for McCain - yes, he definitely has the experience thing sewn up - over both Obama and Hillary. So what? I don't think that is going to be of much help this time around, to be honest. I think that this time around, Americans are [b]seriously[/b] poundering the issues that face America right now - the Economy, the WARS, and their own current condition, and are really listening to what is being said, instead of what is attempting to be fed to them, both by all the Candidates and their Propaganda, and the Media (which is running the biggest agenda of them all - sell, sell, SELL! News for the sake of selling more news...create an issue, no matter how silly, insignificant, and blow it up to magnanimous proportions, and then spin it to sell more!). I think the American people are really doing a good job this time, and are doing their damndest to cut through the smoke and mirrors and see the candidates as they truly are and are making their choices based on that. Of course, there are some who are blindly following candidate X regardless...but that is to be expected. And to sum things up, the title itself shows the author's complete bias - Men and Race [b]SUPERIOR[/b] to Women! Absolute fucking rubish! [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/925]WebShaman[/url] on 05-18-2008 14:06)[/small]
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