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Obama Wins! Men & Race Superior To Women.
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[quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] DL, are you saying that the Bush administration was primarily to blame for 9/11? [/quote] Primarily? No. Somewhat? Possibly more than somewhat? Undoubtedly. [quote] For that matter are you suggesting that America brought that on to itself? [/quote] That could be a long and wide ranging discussion. It is not implied in what I said, but I won't give an absolute "no" either. [quote] The single most defining event for whoever would have won in 2000 was 9/11. I don't think it can be argued that anything done after the 2000 election had anything to do with the attack because that had been planned and was in the works for years prior. [/quote] Being in the works, and being allowed to occur are vastly different things... And while I am not willing to all out blame the US government for what happened, as many people are, there are just way too many things that don't add up leading up to the attacks, and those things point at least to complacence/incompetence and certainly leave the door wide open for plenty more. [quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] But the fact that he was able to take the fight to the enemy [/quote] He has?! When?! Where?! To what end?! The world is still waiting for that feat Bugimus...and will wait in vain. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 05-23-2008 19:51)[/small]
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