OZONE Asylum
Student, 17, gets 8 years in prison for phone threat
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[quote] [b]Arthurio said:[/b] edit: Yes the kid was stupid. But in the sense that didn't he know he'd get caught in 5 seconds if he uses a cellphone? Other than that prank is a prank. Kids do much worse stuff and go unpunished. He should get fined and that's it. "Setting an example" is extremely immoral in my book and not justice by long shot. [/quote] Arthurio you are right as i said the sentence was harsh, BUT in cases like this every threat must be treated as real untill proven that it wasn't, that involves time resources etc. Kid's f..g around making prank calls like this divert resources away from possible real threats. You dont have to go through with a threat and actually do something, often as not the threat itself can cause untold stress worry panic disruption etc. You guys in the states have had it quite easy reference this type of situation prior to 9/11. Hoax bomb calls threats etc were almost part of daily life here in the UK around the time of the problems in Ireland etc. it's not fun, and hoaxers recieved harsh sentences here. Whether it was a prank or not it was very stupid, like i said just the mere threat is enough to cause harm and worry, BUT my main point is its a pretty messed up world when a call like this gets this attention, why because too many times kids have gone into schools and have done exactly what this kid said he would do in the call, it just highlights the current situation. Guess thats why the UK has some of the toughest gun laws anywhere in the world and some of the heaviest sentecing for firearms related crimes/threats Thank christ that in the UK that this problem isnt this bad (kids killing others with guns etc.) BUT i guarantee you a prank like this will still get you in deep shit in the UK. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1897]tomeaglescz[/url] on 06-09-2008 18:01)[/small]
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