OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
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[quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] DL, I just read Behe's response. He makes an interesting point about how many mutations are required before we see a true benefit to an organism. I curious as to what exactly is your problem with his position and/or post?. . . : : . . Innervating Your Eyes & Mind : . . . [/quote] The problem is 1) that evolution on this level requires multiple mutations/selections building upon each other is well understood, is confirmed in this experiment, the confirmation of which is a strong argument in favor of darwinian evolution, and is a concept which is often used by creationists to argue *against* evolution - arguing that such cumulative mutations do not/could not happen. They do. Clearly. 2) He argues a pro-evolution argument, and then concludes that therefore evolution is not how it happened.... :confused: ( And to recap: ID = Creationism. ) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 06-10-2008 23:10)[/small]
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