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Using CS2 and I'll be using it for a long time. Using Filter Meister to do my code monkey thing. FM is the single greatest plug-in that I've ever invested in. Blender is powerful, but can be hard to come to grips with. I have yet to meet anybody that 'got it' right away. Pretty much everybody agrees that it has a steep learning curve. But it can do a crap ton of stuff if you take the time to really dig into it. I played with it once for maybe an hour and trashed it. ZBrush is fun. I have a real hard time with the interface, though, but some folks take to the interface like it's natural or something. I also have my problems with how ZBrush handles certain things, but nothing some changes in habits can't fix. The truly amazing thing about ZBrush is that it can handle millions of polygons with no signs of slowing down. But I've only played with the demos as they've come out. That is, I've never really given more than 2 weeks on my one machine.
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