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I've been thinking about multiple dimensions lately. Not necessarily multiple dimensions, but adding more dimensions to existing problems. For example, 3d rotation has it's problems. But when you add another dimension, you suddenly have quaternions and the problems are fixed. Take something 3d, make it 4d, and tada. Can you add another dimension or two to fix other problems? What about adding another problem by adding another dimension? For example, quats again. With quats, it is possible to get more than one solution and suddenly your 3d rotations are 180 degrees. And then there is the problem of extrapolating data. Sometimes it's redundant and not really another dimension. For example, K in CMYK. As the saying goes, you can't recover data that isn't there. So lets say that you want to add another dimension. What exactly do you fill it with? Can you fill it meaningfully, or will it just be a rehash of already existing data? I suppose you could try node-based AI. Let's say that you have a photograph that is in greyscale and you want to colourize it. You want to take K and make it RGB with as little human intervention as possible. Start with X, Y, and K. Use some node-based AI to extrapolate another dimension or data set. Run it through some more AI or whatever, and see what pretty things pop out at the RGB end. Meaningful chaos, as I like to call it. I've seen some pretty bizarre artsy-fartsy things come of this. Can a similiar plan of attack be used to do other things? Can this be applied to colour balance? Smarter sharpening? How much human intervention will be needed? Those are the kinds of thoughts that I play with on occassion.
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