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Just as Suho said there were at least 2 major logical flaws in the video 1) the video assumes that because a VR is possible then that must be the reality 2) and then it made an even stranger assumption: because we can see and touch our brains that too must be an illusion which somehow constitutes the existence of a 'soul' ... it was basically saying in the end that the soul is what really thinks and the brain is there just for the fun. The video also makes a mistake of using the general model of 5 external senses: touching, hearing, feeling, smelling and seeing while at the same time talking about such things as brain, soul and possibility of a virtual reality. The problem is that at that level we actually have more senses such as thinking and memory. We can easily perceive that we think and that we have memory and we can perceive the quality of our memory and other parameters of our mental processes. This shows that the video wasn't very well thought through because we can also manipulate our physical brain and it's processes and at the same time perceive the changes. Simplest example of this is drinking alcohol. It's not just the 5 external senses that are affected by alcohol. This again means that it can't be the soul that does the thinking. The most annoying _fact_ about the video is that while it tries to sound factual and scientific it doesn't actually present _any_ proof for anything. Which basically means that it's lying while it's saying that this is a scientific and not a philosophical video. So my opinion is that this a very deceptive video that supports itself on flawed logic and a strong agenda which it tries to hide.
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