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Well, all things aside for a moment (btw - nice breakdown, Master Suhu. Very nice, indeed). If it was just [i]perception[/i] here that was needed, then perhaps there would be some more merit in the discussion. But there is also time and the consequences (or effects) that are left by something that also needs to be taken into consideration here. I do not need to perceive something, to prove that it had been at point X at time Y. Clues will be left on the material, etc to indicate this. Through deductive reasoning and the ability to think and reason over time (something the human mind does fairly well, IMHO), we can create systems (logic, math, the scientific process) to identify and catalog clues, so that we are able to identify the said "something" correctly. This seems to say that reality, as we perceive it, is real, at least for all intents and purposes that is important. It would seem, then, that perception is only one factor in a much greater whole. The age old "if a tree falls in the forest, and no-one was there, did it make any sound?" - well, kind of hard to say if one looks at it that way. But perhaps we can do some measurements afterwards and compare them with measurements beforehand. I am sure that at some level, it would be possible to measure the sonic impact upon some material there in the forest, that would prove that it did, indeed, make a sound. Thus the laws of Physics are preserved, even if there was not a viewer at that particular point in time. Of course, one could speculate (or even argue) that there is a global (or universal) viewer that "takes over" in such a case. Well, prove it. I sincerely doubt that such is even provable, because one would have to have something to test it against - like a situation where there was guaranteed no viewer possible. Since we are talking about a speculation (global, universal, all-seing, whatever viewer), and that the actual properties of this viewer itself are not defined, how then can we create a situation where there is no viewer to test against? We cannot, not unless we can decide on the properties of this viewer. And in this case, we will need to be able to prove these properties, as well, and be able to show and demonstrate factual evidence thereof. Since we have not been able to do this (and still are unable to), this remains in the realm of non-science. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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