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"The goverment that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." I've usualy heard this in reference to why rich people should not have to pay for public services they do not use themselves, therefore taxes and public services should be cut. And in that regard I think it is wrong. I've always happly paid my taxes and will continue to do so. Infact I think Canada should temperaly up its taxes to cover some of the monetary short falls for infrastructure that we currently have. But now look at Zimbabwee. Mugabi has taken land from white farmers and given it to people that support him. Those supports have been interviewed saying, why not vote for Mugabe; he gave us our land. That is where that saying can be applied. The full line of reasons for why he is getting away with this is a disscussion all its own but he does have the support of "Paul". This is a problem as he is taking the land under the guise of land reform that is needed in Zimbawbwee (In part to solve some of the peoplems that Mugabi has caused by pretending to do so) and giving it to people in order to get their votes. [url=http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2008/06/10/small-is-bountiful/]This article [/url] is realted. My last complaint with that saying is that you can replace the word goverment with anyone. Perhaps more accuralty: "People tend not to look too closly at the source of their prosperity and will often blindly support the process that provides it." __________________________ Eagles get sucked into jet engines and weasels are oft maligned, but beavers just make nice hats. [url=http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/]WCG[/url]|[url=http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/]FA@H[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1520]tj333[/url] on 06-20-2008 18:58)[/small]
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