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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] Of course, you are free to believe differently; But if you do, I think you are looking at it the wrong way [/quote] hypocrite :p I think that one thing is, is that we have to ask why we study and/or practice a certain religion at all. Even WebShaman by arguing his point is kind of saying "you are looking at it the wrong way". Which is fine. By arguing...discussing...or whatever our "point of view" helps us realize and better understand what it is that we believe and why we believe it. [quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] This basically means that they are telling you what something is, and you either have to believe it, or you are looking at it the wrong way. [/quote] This isn't totally true though. I don't believe everything that someone tells me about Buddhism. Shakyamuni taught what he knew. Someone can not teach something that they do not know. It's impossible. If you don't buy into any or all of it, then so be it. Maybe the method for you to understand it, lies in a different method. I once had a great guitar instructor. His best benefit was that he could have 5 students studying the same exact piece. However, he would teach the piece differently to each person to match the playing style of that student. I'm gonna leave that open and continue. I think we have bashed this enough. It's an endless battle and we could go on for years about this and not solve anything. :p Later, C:\
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