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Java Satay / Objects Satay
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At the moment, freelance argo navis has quit the webdesign agency he had put back on rails. After some revamps on nice sites, like www.socorex.com product pages, and many others. I am receiving job offers by the day : if you know a GOOD Unix guy, or Windows sysadmin, mail references to me - one could be used in Belgium, the other in Cyprus, and I don't have time myself to answer these proposals. I opted instead for two R&D assignments from the local government and am working at http://vrlab.epfl.ch , an advanced lab for virtual reality research. So I needed a standards compliant way to embed Java markup : in XHTML, this means the OBJECT tag. I came up with [url=www.beyondwonderland.com/knowledge/tutorials/java.satay.php]Java Satay[/url] which has been copyrighted and proposed already to ALA. (just copy paste the link to your browser adress bar until I remove the Ozone Asylum ban, if that ever happens). Turns out that the concept makes a subtle use of the object tag attributes which IS cross browser : as exposed in my article, this could lead to "All Things Satay", a cross browser, standard way to embed anything objects on any browser. BUT given the fact it now is cross browser, it could also be used to dynamically generate content using javascript : bye-bye data:URI, one can probably use the object classid URIs instead. clssid: , java: and other URIS to generate content on all platforms. As it is "of interest"... As of today, I have 300 uniques and am reaching a thousand visits, forecasts predict a thousand uniques within the next 3 months : I don't need you to advertise, kiss up, moan, or generally be dense. Copy/paste, fiddle, use the code as you want, only the code as the text is copyrighted, and sayonara : I am back to my vertex/fragment shaders. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6755]argo_navis[/url] on 07-18-2008 15:13)[/small]
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