OZONE Asylum
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I do my duties, as I see fit to do them. The Doc appointed me, and if he is not pleased with how I have upheld my duties, I am sure that he will revoke my status. Until that happens, I will continue to do my duties as I see fit to do them. As for your threats, they are rather banal and childish. I mean, you are posting on an internet forum that you are going to "do something bad". That is something that teenagers do. Second, you blatantly ignore any and all attempts of those who have been granted the status to care for the place with contempt, belligerence, and with threats as they attempt to carry out their duties. Now, you may wonder why I do not take anything you post seriously, anymore (though I doubt that you even think about it). One is because you have constantly demonstrated that you are incapable of carrying out anything to completion. Second, those intent upon actually doing something do not announce them on some internet forum like some teenage kid thumping his chest. Instead, they actually do it. And those are the last words that you will hear from me. Any and all future posts from you that contain threats, verbal abuse, etc will be edited, moved, etc as appropriate. Have a nice life. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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