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Cute little aussie toying with 3Ds max, isn't he? Well, Petskull, unfortunately, the opportunity passed before any marked answer popped in this thread. However, for the sake of not leaving it hanging "in the wild", the works I have never shown over the years, those I felt I didn't have anything to prove about, led me here : http://vrlab.epfl.ch/team/team_index.html I am a diplome-less expert, part of a team of Phds in the.. funny : in the very field where Skaarjj may need a job. Oh, we've just welcomed a NOKIA lab on the campus... and the other Swiss campus, EPFZ, they have Disney and Pixar on board :) Look, no need to take my word or question anything. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-08/ezfi-ezc081108.php ...Funny stuff, I work with labs involved with Nokia, Disney, and Pixar :) So, with this, and my Resume "slapped allover the internet", and thanks to the additional promotions by some... let's call those "people", although I think they classify as some other race of primates, around this place. I mean, thanks also to the negative stuff they poured and the fuss they made about me... Professionals have simply started passing my resume to one another without asking : here, I have a very serious contact and reference in Belgium who is providing job offers across Europe. And she has countless positions, but among the billions of Darwin awards contenders that populate forums, it's hard to find a gem. ... So I owe to her the filtering of very inconsistent answers. I still get the three-four job offers a month though, from her, from others, here, there, all the time - so when someone here starts making sense and feel like doing a dream job... making characters for the next Nemo for instance, or the likes... Try me, cool?
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