OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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I am afraid the answer far outreaches your capabilities. - essentially, here and now, it's the polite thing to do as far as both that lady, and people genuinely interested, are concerned. Am not gonna let a job posting hand out in the wild, polite, you kn... Oh, no, THAT is something you absolutely know nothing about. And I am not gonna try to teach you - not this time. Sometime in real world. Remember when I pin-pointed your home on a map in a few minutes? ... Keep it in mind every single day, it's for your best interest. ... This said, there is a simple way to prevent me from popping here, let's see how low you can go : move threads that rank at the top of a google search for my name and belong to the Asylum somewhere I don't find YOU when searching about ME. I think this one is page 2 for "Mauro Colella" or something. You know, backlinks? Nevermind. Don't take my presence HERE personal, you'll have your undeserved share of my personal time : instead stop acting like a 14 years old kid and if you want something, especially something from ME, make it happen the right way. I don't want to feel like I am nurturing a retarded kitten everytime your sclerosis itches because I said something, there are institutions to take care of that.
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