OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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If you know someone who's interested in what you have to say then why don't you contact them directly. I'm tired of you insulting people whom I respect because for you as a person I have none left for. If you're successful then good for you! No need to come here and brag about everything you do. No need to look for acknowledgment from those whom you obviously don't respect. You speak of politeness yet you yourself are constantly so obnoxious and impolite that it irks even the calmest of people to the brink of losing their modesty and exploding in your face. Mauro, please leave ozoneasylum. If you have contacts here then there's always e-mail, phone etc. If you still feel the need to come here, please go consult a psychiatrist first. I'm not an expert but I've never met anyone as obnoxious as you and inevitably it makes me wonder whether there's something really wrong with you deep inside of your mind. I know I don't speak alone when I say: please leave.
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