OZONE Asylum
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Arthurio, I am not referring to incapable script kiddies, please feel free to ignore the inquiry - you can give me a shoeshine though, if you do it in silence. [quote] It is not that we are interested in stopping you from coming here [/quote] So why do you follow me around like a puppy dog? Why do you make a personal duty to dance around me? You're an old and sad man who fills the void of his life on Neverwinter Nights and forums, granted. It makes you look miserable, granted. But there's nothing I can do to fix you, so don't dance like this. And don't fear : I WILL find you and I WILL make you hurt - then I'll pay any fine or face any charges I should stand, for the sole satisfaction of applying justice. Warn the cops, the army, your moms, and your cousin alike : I usually don't spend time over wackos, but your obession about me itches. ......... Now : http://vrlab.epfl.ch/team/team_index.html You see this? Good. Go to the frontpage. 5 national projects. But now it is 6. Two of which I am realizing. And one is about extremely advanced RIA - something none of you has ever seen or done or imagined on the web. Again last week, for that projects, I was asked to hire a young guy capable of implementing the AI I am designing. The core of the engine for that is what I used to call automod. The very things you guys castrated by sheer ignorance has been budgetted by the Swiss government. ...You know, the government that also pays for the CERN projects? I have budgets for travels, conferences, recruitment, access to laboratory level equipment and need someone who knows the web to be my "wing" NOW. But it is usual : due to the amount of european and national researches happening at VRLab, as I was saying, this happens every week. . If the cost of finding such a gem means landing a note on a public space visited by webdesigners, then by all means... Don't feel like you three being thickly mediocre makes my proposal personal : it is not. It is not for YOU. And it is not for the ASYLUM. It is for ME, science, and my customers and partners - and it always has been at least about science. You think your petty insults and child like behavior weighs anything against such motivations? Now look around... see the drop in activity? The sig contest gone stall? The dhtml contests gone stall? The bitter feel in the air which I shamelessly contribute and will contribute to feed as I please. THAT is the weight "geniuses" like you have given to the Asylum without me around, and without my help : you've created boredom, disgust, and emptied it from the webdesign "glow". Still think you're right? Then you have something in common with George Bush. .... But that won't stop me from doing the right thing.
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