OZONE Asylum
DmoDrawing == JS && (SVG || VML)
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I've been lurking around this forum for a little bit and I think its a great place to pick up some new tricks. I thought I'd share some of the things I've been working on lately to return the favor. [b]Dmo Drawing[/b] is basically a javascript object that offers a common framework for dealing with both SVG and VML elements, depending on which browser is viewing it. The solution is very similar to how most ajax libraries use either XMLHttpRequest or the ActiveX equivilant. Its still a work in progress but I wanted to get some community feedback to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. This object isn't meant to compete with the Canvas element even though some usage scenarios might overlap. Hopefully I dont have to explain the differences between vector and rasterized graphics. I've only got a handful of demos cleaned up for public consumption but I think its a pretty good start for the first release. I have a few more on the subject of animation and navigation that I'll be putting up soon. Basic Vector Primitives [url]http://dmowebstudios.com/drawing.demos.primitives.php[/url] Other demos Simple Drawings Complex Drawings / Scaling Sierpinski Carpet Mandelbrot Explorer Let me know what you think, good or bad!
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