OZONE Asylum
DmoDrawing == JS && (SVG || VML)
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hi, neat - seems like it should integrate canvas and use it if available too - then your rendering framework can use the best available display engine for the client. I started working with VML some time ago and was working on a 3D engine before I became frustrated with browser differences - it was before canvas was available on both FF and IE. I would be interested in seeing the two combined for a fun, cross-platform triangle rendering 3D engine. As it stands, it could handle several thousand polygons for slow, single-frame renderings, but can animate with a couple hundred. All you need is a decent triangle renderer that can at least do wire-frame outlines and at best fill with a solid color and you've got everything you need for a 3D renderer - it's just a bunch of math on top of that including lighting/shading. Texture mapping is a different story and requires a level of performance that JS can't handle for animation, but could certainly slow-render for single frames. I also built in a fall-back compatibility mode line renderer that plotted "."'s as ASCII chars using CSS to position them along the triangle edges for when VML is not available - I thought it made an interesting option that worked with CSS capable browsers at least to show a wireframe environment - something similar might be fun for your engine as well. I used a fixed number of dots for my lines, but a better approach would be to calculate the distance from P1 to P2, divide by the standard distance between dots, then plot-a-dot every step-size down the length of the line. That way more dots are added as the line lengthens and they don't space out which makes them more difficult to track. Check it out (renders VML in IE, but only dots in FF): http://www.keenkelly.com/demo/vml6/ (also try vml5/4, etc to see previous versions - VML6 will melt your CPU on FF); Regards, - SK
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